Box-shadow is a powerful and flexible CSS property. Similar to gradients, the box-shadow property allows you to declare multiple box shadows on a single element with a comma-separated list of shadows. There are an endless amount of creative outcomes, which can be time consuming to iterate through in code. So, we've updated our box-shadow property to make it easier for you to experiment with what's possible.
Our existing box-shadow components had fixed counts of shadows. Much like our updated gradient component, we now support stacking shadows. And soon, we'll be rolling out support for stacking text-shadows.
This is the second component we've rolled out since beginning full-time, and it comes with a few enhancements over our existing components. For logged in users, we're exposing your likes and saves so you can navigate back through them and share with others. We've also opened up one-click publishing for everyone, so you can quickly share your creations with friends and teammates.