Updated: Color scales, Delaunay, and Voronoi

We've updated our Color scale, Delaunay, and Voronoi generators to our new base component setup. This means each component now comes with:
- One-click publishing and sharing
- Constrain to theme
- Improved grid view and editing
- Expanded export formats. For Color scales: CSS, JS, JSON, JSX, and Theme UI. For SVG components, export as SVG or JSX.
- Save, Voting, and editing history
- Can be added to profile
We're knocking out the other SVG generators, and then we'll focus on some theme development and preview components.
Color scale
- Add to theme for color scale
- Edit individual generated colors
- Expanded scale parameters with customizable curves
Delaunay & Voronoi
- Rendering and performance improvements
- Additional coordinate generators
- In canvas svg editing
- Constrain coordinates to shape
- Layer-based dash array editor