<Inputs.FontSize />
Font size
.css-gui-element { font-size: 64px; }
Everyone should be able to explore the creative potential of CSS. This project is a growing set of parametric controls for rapidly editing CSS properties. Designed for composability, mix and match any combination of properties to create custom components and tap into the vast and beautiful world of CSS.
npm install --save @compai/css-gui
Previews of CSS controls
<Inputs.FontSize />
.css-gui-element { font-size: 64px; }
<Inputs.FontFamily />
.css-gui-element { font-family: Inter; }
<Inputs.TextAlign />
The parameters comprise sequences which are theoretically infinite but limits are, of course, set to them in practice.
<Inputs.Color />
.css-gui-element { color: #6465ff; }
<Inputs.BackgroundImage />
.css-gui-element { background-image: url("https://source.unsplash.com/random"); }
<Inputs.Background />
.css-gui-element { background: url("https://source.unsplash.com/random") center center / 100% no-repeat fixed border-box border-box; }
<Inputs.BackgroundBlendMode />
.css-gui-element { background-blend-mode: overlay; }
<Inputs.BorderRadius />
.css-gui-element { border-radius: 100%; }
<Inputs.Filter />
.css-gui-element { filter: blur(4px); }